Wildlife Trust Proposition Receives Strong Interest

Since the Greener Golf project began in Leicestershire and Rutland, we have been well-supported by our local wildlife trust, the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust (LRWT). Indeed, establishing a strong collaboration was integral to the way we wished to develop.

New trust CEO Mat Carter, together with Head of Nature Recovery, Ben Devine, have visited a number of golf courses in the last six months and are clearly convinced that a close association between the golf clubs and the trust can make a substantial contribution to nature’s recovery and the government’s 30 x 30 goals.

In May, a ‘Proposition’ was put out to all the clubs in the area by the trust. This envisages a new form of Affiliate membership for the clubs, based on an annual fee, for which the clubs will receive support and advice. In particular the scheme envisages the appointment of a dedicated ecologist to work with and support the clubs that joint the scheme. Such a close, consortium style collaboration between a wildlife trust and a group of golf clubs would be unique in the UK. A further aim of the scheme would be, as a consortium, to put together an ambitious funding bid to a major UK funding organisation, for funds to support capital projects to protect and enhance biodiversity on the land owned by the clubs.

By the end-of-June deadline 16 out of 25 clubs had expressed interest in the ‘proposition’. This strong level of interest was quite sufficient, and the scheme is currently being developed for final presentation in the late Summer/early Autumn.

For further information, contact Bob Roberts at bobroberts4871@gmail.com