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  • #1617
    Bob RobertsBob Roberts

    Good afternoon everybody,

    At the Leics and Rutland GG Conference at Beedles Lake on 8th February, the topic that led to the most animated discussions was WATER. It was clear that climate change, and the effects this is having on rainfall (too much, in sudden bursts, in the winter, and too little in the summer), is prompting some far-reaching questions in many golf clubs.

    We hope to be addressing this issue through the website, and in more depth at next year’s conference. In the meanwhile, it would be interesting to have a preliminary conversation about it.
    – What is your club doing, if anything, about this?
    – What conversations are taking place? What projects being undertaken?
    – What challenges are you facing? What solutions (pardon the pun…) are you coming up with?

    Adi PorterAdi Porter

    At Greetham Valley we use a closed loop wash off system for cleaning machinery which uses recycled water. We have installed 4 water meters on site to highlight any mains leaks immediately.
    We capture rain water from the car park and clubhouse roofs to use as irrigation water. We store all our irrigation water needs in several lakes that are linked to allow us to move water to where it is needed.

    Owen JamesOwen James

    Hi all, Ecoprod are running a free webinar about water saving in a couple of weeks. Its free to attend. Please see below (ill include the link to sign up at the end, just copy and paste into your browser):
    What we will cover in this free webinar
    • Why saving water is so important for businesses
    • The likely future impact of water shortages on businesses
    • The three pillars of water saving
    o Use less water – how water saving technology can help you use less water throughout all areas of your operations
    o Waste less water – advice on how to reduce water wastage by spotting leaks and floods before they have an impact as well as opportunities for behavioural change within your organisation
    o Reuse and recycle your water – how rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling can impact on your overall water usage
    • The importance of having a water management strategy and how to start developing one
    • How Ecoprod can help you use less water

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